create aliases

Using Linux aliases How to define a Linux alias Unix/Linux alias examples and syntax Have...

3 minute read

Terminal Magic with Linux

Movie Magic Linux Apps movie magic wpseku hollywood wttrn weather Moon Phases Terminator Terminal...

5 minute read

Movie Magic with Linux

Hollywood has finally gone open source Movie Magic Linux Apps mr robot does it...

1 minute read

Bash-Scripting and Backups

This blog is inspired by Ninite and the OMGUBUNTU’s Things to do after installing Ubuntu....

4 minute read

New App Alert Stress Test Tool

NEW APP ALERT In the midst of listening to weekly Linux Unplugged podcast and searching...

2 minute read

Nick Foles and Ansible

The Philly Special (also known as Philly Philly) was a trick play between Philadelphia Eagles...

4 minute read

BTRFS Filesystems

Hot swappable Filesystems, as smooth as btrfs Filesystems, like file cabinets or drawers, control how...

7 minute read


The Linux Workshopwas a 4 week class instructed by me at FAU in boca The...

3 minute read