Boiling a fresh Flask

Give me six hours to chop down a tree, and I will spend the first...

5 minute read

Git Landscaping

While working on learning git, which has become a lifelong tasks that I compare to...

3 minute read

Making good choices with ansible

While working on more and more ansible playbooks on this m1 macbook without being able...

5 minute read

A history of DevOps, sort of

Devops and the cycle of understanding Companies are always looking forward and working on forward...

7 minute read

What defines my name

These blogs are intended to allow me to share my thoughts, ideas, and my career...

6 minute read


For those who dont know, Neofetch is command-line system information tool written in bash. Its...

3 minute read

SSH and Handshakes

Logging into Linux hosts without a password can help increase speed of troubleshooting, enhance security,...

2 minute read