Open the Pod Bay Doors

I’ve spent some time in the DevOps and CI/CD realm. One of the many solutions...

3 minute read

Ubuntu Kernel updates

Some OS related issues could be fixed by installing a different Linux Kernel. Recently there...

5 minute read

Wazuh - Why the blue wolf wins

What is SIEM As we navigate the complex landscape of cybersecurity, Its popularity exposes popular...

8 minute read

Boiling a fresh Flask

Give me six hours to chop down a tree, and I will spend the first...

5 minute read

Git Landscaping

While working on learning git, which has become a lifelong tasks that I compare to...

3 minute read

Making good choices with ansible

While working on more and more ansible playbooks on this m1 macbook without being able...

5 minute read

A history of DevOps, sort of

Devops and the cycle of understanding Companies are always looking forward and working on forward...

7 minute read